quinta-feira, 28 de junho de 2012

Friday´s Clip - Steppenwolf - Born To Be Wild

Hey guys, June is leaving us and July is coming up! Have you ever noticed how Americans are patriotic and the quantity of scenes where they show their flag?

So, as they celebrate their Independence next Tuesday, the clip is to celebrate the "Easy Rider" Style...

I had no idea this expression, "Easy Rider", came up from this movie I really want to watch!!! Jack Nicholson is on the film...so, enjoy your Friday and have fun with this "Easy Rider" dream and life style.

Watching clips is a good way to be in touch with English, culture and improve listening and vocabulary...

Did you like the clip? What is your suggestion to next Friday?

To Braziliam Begginers:  Oi Pessoal, o clipe de hoje vai em homenagem a Independência dos EUA, celebrada na próxima terça e o filme "Easy Rider" e essa canção é um clássico. Aproveite o clilma, tente pensar em algumas palavras que você entenda durante o clip. Assistir a clips é uma ótima maneira de treinar seu "listening" e aumentar vocabulário.

Ps: I dedicate it to Rodrigo, my love, who suggested the song and to Wadih, that has the "Easy Rider Dream"...to my uncle Nielson and our friends Jorginho and Leila, who are "Easy Riders...." already"

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