quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2015

Sex and The City

Today, I used Sex and The City, episode 1, Season 1 to watch with Sheila.
First, without the subtitles. Then, with the Subtitles in English.
She loved and had fun!

This is a real good exercise for you to improve vocabulary, feel confident do speak and also to be ok with accents, slangs, idioms, phrasal verbs.

If you are in the mood, keep a notebook and go ahead taking notes of expressions.

After the episode we had some fun talking about the four girls: Carrie, Sam, Miranda and Charlotte, talking about our experiences and point of view.

Also, she had to write a composition about Sex and The city nowadays...the real situation!

Did you like the idea?

It is avaiable on You Tube.

Tell us:

Who is your favorite character? Why?
What is your opinion about Sex and The City?
On the next post, we are going to teach some strategies for a good composition

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