quarta-feira, 14 de março de 2012

New session: DIY

Hey guys! How are you doing? Today I start a new session on Wednesdays, it will be the DIY Session. Do it Yourself. That´s right! Iwill invite you to get into the craft world, and men or women, you all can make something to bring a little of fun to your daily life and also to be into the international culture and have some party, why not? 
So, to start, as we celebrate Saint Patrick´s day on March 17th, why not make this toppers and serve the juice or beer, or mate in bottles in this style and bring some luck and remind the celebration in a llow but cool style?

Para iniciantes: Seguir passo a passo ou Do it Yourself (DIY) é uma ótima maneira de praticar seu inglês. Ao criar e fazer coisas, você com certeza vai se lembrar de nomes de materiais e verbos para sempre.

 Siga o tutorial e mande foto pra gente, vai ser legal postar aqui.


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